402 - 1245 Esquimalt Road Victoria, B.C. V9A 3P2

Who We Are


Our Story

Carol Cooper has been at the helm of Cooper Financial for the past 34 years, and 39 years within the insurance, wealth management, and benefits industry. A self made woman, the first few chapters of our story is filled with passion and resilience. Carol came into a male dominated industry, paving the way to success with her financial acumen, ambition, and courage. Her story permeates the story of Cooper Financial. 

Our story is one filled with pages of happy clients, able to benefit from the chapters of knowledge deeply ingrained within our own narrative. A company that is dedicated to learning and helping you write your story, no matter what chapter you are on. 

Our Mission

Over the past 34 years, our mission has stayed true to our values. Our mission is to support our clients in achieving their financial goals through our financial acumen, passion for excellence, and genuinely fostered relationships with our clients. 


The unification between your financial goals and our mission and values allows for a new chapter of your story to form. Just a single meeting with one of our advisors will show you why we are the partner of choice for so many satisfied clients on Vancouver Island and beyond. 


Our Process

Our process is about you. Initiated through your desire to achieve financial wellness; our gift to you is our time, our patience, our expertise, and our experience. We want to improve your financial wellness and in essence, help provide the correct remedies to insure things come together in ways that exceed your expectations  

It starts on the day you come in for your first, no obligation consultation. As we learn your story, we are going to learn how you want things to unfold. We will provide you with guidance, expert recommendations, and structure; leaving you contented and with a sense of financial clarity. What are you waiting for? 

We are proud members of the following local organizations; we value giving back to our community:

Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce

A proud member Our mandate is simple: help start, run and grow business in Esquimalt.

Think Local First

A proud member Think Local First is a Victoria, BC based non-profit organization that is committed to strengthening local, independent businesses and helping consumers understand the huge beneficial impact they can make on our community by shopping at local businesses.

Our Vacancies

Come join our family! We take pride in being an equal opportunity employer.  We are currently hiring for the following positions:


We Are Here To Support You Through Our Services At No Obligation